I am so excited to be back working in my favourite fabric range
- the Japanese woven Taupes. And starting a new applique project.
I have loved my English Paper Piecing phase and it does still continue
alongside the new project, as my Mrs Holder Stretched Hexie quilt is
not yet finished but I am up to squaring off the corners - so definitely on
the home-straight with that one.
Here is the first new block made - applique with a small touch of stitchery.
I do find it hard these days not to embellish applique with just a little stitching!
French Knots around the flower centre.

Veins on leaves with backstitch, fly stitch or chain stitch.

Just in case you were wondering what had happened to the two projects in
last week's post. Have they been relegated to the back burners?
Well no.
The pieced one is finished and ready for Helen to machine quilt.
And the other one is ready to be machine pieced together.
I do like to have several projects on the go at the same time - in case
you hadn't noticed!!!
I like a machine project for my mornings before heading off into work and
hand work for the evenings. I find that I cannot English Paper Piece
all evening - it is seriously not good for my hands.
So having an applique project or even a hand quilting project on the go
at the same time works well.
After all my hands and eyes have to come with until I am 100 year old!!!
So they are seriously worth looking after.
Back soon with block two and maybe Instastitch number eleven all
embellished - it is pieced already.