Wednesday, 3 April 2019

52er Quilt - Woad and Linen

This 52er quilt has a French theme.
I have been collecting bits and pieces in these blues from Vintage Markets, 
etc for several years and I am really enjoying putting 
them on these little 5" (finished) blocks.

These cute little flowers were 'fussy' cut from a fabric I have in the shop.
Then fused in place and embroidered over

A piece of tatting that I collected at some stage and have appliqued on.

A piece of embroidery from an old linen tray cover.
It was quite marked in places but for this project I could easily cut around those bits.
I so love re-purposing these old pieces.

This fabric was part of my Taupe Woven range.
I took at fat quarter of it to an indigo dyeing workshop I did and turned it from 
cream to blue. The grid pattern was part of the original weave.

Have fun creating. I will be back in a month with more.

Indigo 52er Quilt

These are the four blocks for April.
If you have missed the previous months scroll down to find them.

All my fabrics are old traditional Japanese fabrics that I have collected over 
the years in Japan. 

This was a special piece that I just sashiko stitch outlined.

One of favourite motifs the Tsuru (Crane)

A piece of really old and worn fabric left as is. 
I just ironed on some black lawn fabric to stabilize it.
You can see the wear lines down severl of the stripes.

Then I went off on a circle theme.
Watch for more.