Saturday, 7 April 2012

Modern Quilt Guild Challenge

This week I have been busy making my Little Quilt for the Modern Quilt Guild Challenge.
The challenge was to make a Little Quilt with a minimum size of 20" by 24".
These are to go the the Neonatal and the Paediatric Units at Starship Hospital.
We had to make a quilt using a block that we hadn't done before.

I decided it was time to do some machine blanket stitch applique as I hadn't done
this before, so this is my design.

I have scattered daisies across the quilt top with some going off the edge.

What a difference it made when I got the chunky hand quilting on it. I have called it Bubbles and Daisies. The quilting is done with two or three strands of DMC embrodiery thread.


  1. That's so pretty Robyn! I love the quilted circles.

  2. A gorgeous quilt Robyn. A nice simple design but so nice and fresh looking

  3. The applique is lovely and I particularly love the hand quilting - the blue stitching around the flowers looks fabulous...

  4. What a great idea for a baby quilt - i always seem to make things complicated for myself when often simple is best. Love that big quilting - is it hard to train yourself to go big when we have all been practising to get them small for years,

  5. This is great Robyn! It looks so fresh (might be a bit cliche to say fresh as a daisy!)

  6. Thank you all for your comments. I always find it interesting how decisions are made. In regard to the circle quilting, Jacqui - I was originally going to quilt smaller daisies in the white DMC, but time started running out on me so something quicker was needed, hence the circles. And actually I like them much better than the daisy idea now. More daisies would have probably been just too much.

    And yes, Alison it does take a while to get your quilting stitches big when you are so used to hand quilting traditionally with small stitches. It was worse a the moment because I have been flitting between quilting the 1800s Antique Sampler Quilt at the same time - in small stitches.

    At the end of the week I am off to Nelson Mini Symposium to teach sashiko so that will mess with my quilting stitches even more!!! A sample quilt sandwich can be quite useful to get you hand back in before launching back onto your actual quilt.


  7. Thanks Megan - the white certainly gives a very fresh look, but I think that is the end of white series!!!! Time for a different look I think. Robyn
