Thursday, 5 January 2012

French Lavender

This is the first of the three large blocks that I plan to make – it is called 
French Lavender and is 20” square.

The feature flower has a row of French knots around it.  I added the two buds – in the 
original there were leaves on the end of these stems. But I needed to extend this block 
out a wee bit, so this was one way to fill the space. I also added a few of blue circles down
 the left hand side to fill that side up a bit.

I enlarged all the blocks for this quilt on the photocopier as they were all quite small 
in Yoko Saito’s book. But Kate and Paul want a King sized quilt, so big blocks were t
he order of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Another gorgeous block. How I wish I had an Aunty like you to be making me such a gorgeous quilt
