Friday, 29 July 2016

Mosaic Quilt Progress

I have got the next set of borders on my Irene Blanck "Mosaic" quilt now.
Last weekend was good for putting borders on quilts!

This first border is hand piece hexagon flowers all linked up.
I love the scrappy effect she created with this.
But I did change her plan slightly by putting one of red fabrics in the 
centre of each flower. I felt this defined the flowers better.

This hexie border went on perfectly. Her measurements were perfect.

Her method of getting around the corners worked well.
As you can see the hexies change orientation, but they just
almost touch.

This border did need to be measured carefully so you hexies didn't get 
chopped off in the seams!
But that was easy enough to manage.

Now for the preparation of the next border featuring diamonds.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Breakfast Club Quilt Bordered

I did decide to add a border onto my Breakfast Club Quilt.
This was it before the final border

I felt it was a bit too small for the bed, but it also needed a stronger
more colourful finish to the edge, so this is what went on.

That's better don't you think?

I met with Helen Harford who will be quilting it for me
on Thursday and we have chosen a whirlygig quilt pattern
that will will up and over everything

I found an extra wide white patterned backing fabric.
I know a bit boring, but it is a clean, fresh looking quilt and the 
coloured prints that were left on the shelf just looked too much.

Now just a decision on binding to go.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Breakfast Club Almost Finished

My Breakfast Club Quilt is almost finished.
This is the quilt that my Saturday morning monthly class has been working 
on since February - 4 blocks per month.
They should all have finished their blocks this Saturday

So I have been frantically sewing

Adding little frames around each block 

Adding sashing strips

Adding spotty cornerstones - I love how cornerstones in the sashings 
help you ensure that your blocks line up perfectly.

And pressing

Then onto the double bed to see how it looks.

I think I feel a border coming on - who knows - what do you think?

Monday, 4 July 2016

Mrs Holder Row 16

My Mrs Holder Reproduction Quilt is progressing well.

Row 16 is on - it has 90 stretched hexagons using  8 different fabrics.

I have used a traditional Cook Island Postage Stamp technique
to keep my hexies in order. I chose the order, laid them 
out around the quilt to check that it would work and then 
threaded them onto a long piece of embroidery 
thread - all six strands.

Just  put a knot on the starting end of the thread so you can easily 
pull one hexie at a time of the other end as you need it.

I had fun raiding my stash of 1800s reproduction fabrics for this row.

Next comes a brown row - also more scrappy.

Back soon.